Pilots must go through recurrent training on a regular basis. It is a pilot refresher that can take place on a monthly, biannual, annual, or biennial basis.
The FAA’s Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) address and regulate the type, quantity, and frequency of required recurrent training that is required for both pilots and other crewmembers.
If you need to schedule recurrence training please contact us at (505) 242-2701.

A flight review is a critical instructional service that is designed to asses a pilots skills and knowledge. Del Sol offers flight reviews for pilots upon request.
If you need to schedule a flight review please contact us at (505) 242-2701.

Unlike the Flight Review, the (IPC) Instrument Proficiency Check is only required if a pilot’s instrument currency lapses. The IPC allows pilots to gain the expertise to fly wherever and whenever they want and allows flights in various weather conditions.
If you need to schedule an IPC please contact us at (505) 242-2701.